Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Monstrous List of Games I Own

Just be thankful that I didn't put in the really kiddy games.
I'll be adding updates when I get them in a separate column on this post.
If you see one you want me to review, leave a comment, it is much appreciated!

Edit: D'oh! How could I forget Citadels?

Risk: Lord of the Rings
Risk: Lord of the Rings Trilogy Edition
Monopoly: Star Wars Original Trilogy
Monopoly: Junior
Cranium: Turbo Edition
Catch Phrase!
13 Dead End Drive
Clue: Harry Potter
Lego Creator
Scrabble Junior
Star Wars Epic Duels
Settlers of Zarahemla-alternate Settlers of Catan
Connect Four
The Game of Life
Empire Builder
Sid Meier's Civilization: the Board Game
Mouse Trap
Sorry! Disney Edition-should I have even put this one on here?
Chess4-ya. 4 player chessboard
Uno: Harry Potter
Search Ponder and Play!
And it came to Pass
Various Cheap Card Games, Pit, SkipBo(I can't even remember how to play that one),Phase 10(or this one) Flinch(or THIS one) Rook(Sheesh!)
Various Travel Games, only ones worth mentioning are Mancala and Mastermind
Mad Gab
Ticket to Ride: Europe, Switzerland
In a Pickle
Settlers of Catan: Terrible Version, I mean, Travel Version
Boggle Deluxe
Apples to Apples: Apple Crate Edition
Thurn and Taxis
Pandemic & Pandemic:On the Brink
Killer Bunnies(and the Quest for the Magic Carrot) and KB Orange Booster-fun
Castle Panic
Carcassone:Rivers, Inns and Cathedrals, Princess and Dragon, The Tower
Dominos. Haha.
Catch Phrase
Scrabble Apple
Chinese Checkers
Blink(I have no idea)
Stepping Stones and Stumbling Blocks
Crossing the Plains

Updated 11/2/2010:
Risk:Star Wars; The Clone Wars Edition

Hello and Welcome to Board Game Busters!

Well! The purpose of this blog is to review board games, card games, and any other kind of game I can get my hands on.

My name is Carl, and I game with my 4 family members when I have the time.
1st goal: To review at least one thing a week, usually updating on Thursdays.
2nd goal: For someone to read this blog that isn't me or a direct relative.

Besides, if I become popular, board game publishers will send me games so I can review them. For free!
Don't tell anyone! Then I'd have more competition. That's obviously bad for the economy, and you don't want bad for the economy. That was an exercise in what you humans call "humor".

I'm gonna keep everything here clean. No one ever became popular by being a jerk. I'll try to be funny, but humor is in the eye of the beholder.  So someone may be offended by what I say, but you can't go through life without having your feelings hurt, so get over it. I mean that in a nice way. Get over it. Move on. Vamoose. Continue on. Etc.

Here's to hoping!